Why do older members produce pi’s at a higher rate?

Why Do Older Members Produce Pi's At A Higher Rate?

Why Do Older Members Produce Pi's At A Higher Rate?

This rewards their significant contribution to the network in times of need.

Pi crypto network aims to make pi cryptocurrency the most widely used cryptocurrency in the world. To achieve this goal, it motivates its original members to contribute to the network, ensuring its success (security, network expansion).

Reflecting the increased importance of the contribution in the early stages, the rate is reduced as new members are added to the network.

The base “mining” rate is halved every time the number of active users is increased by a force of 10 (eg 10,000, 100,000, 1 million users, etc.).

The procedure is illustrated in the diagram below. The output of π will be terminated when the network has a maximum number of members (eg 10 or 100 million).

When the time comes, users will continue to be rewarded through commissions on transactions rather than “mining” new cryptocurrencies, which is exactly what Bitcoin does.

Why Do Older Members Produce Pi's At A Higher Rate?


Why Do Older Members Produce Pi's At A Higher Rate?

Why Do Older Members Produce Pi's At A Higher Rate?
Why Do Older Members Produce Pi's At A Higher Rate?
Why Do Older Members Produce Pi's At A Higher Rate?
Why Do Older Members Produce Pi's At A Higher Rate?

See also  Disclaimer # 1: Pi is still in the development phase.